Maternity Photographer in Great Falls, MT | Jessalyn

Maternity photos in Great Falls, MT

I have been having so much fun with my Bump to Baby program...and most of that stems from the kind of families I have been able to work with lately.  Jessalyn and her family are absolutely no exception.  And it has nothing to do with how adorable they all are together!  This family is SO sweet, kind, fun...the list goes on.  When Jessalyn and I met for coffee to reveal her Bump session images, it was like chatting with a friend...she's amazing!  Anyway...let's get to her gorgeous session!

Maternity pictures

Whenever I talk to anyone about this program, I get really passionate.  Mostly because, no matter where you look in my house, I have NO images of my pregnancy and very few of my newborn babies.  I could whine on and on about this.  But I won't :)  So now, it's my mini-mission to encourage women to embrace this AMAZING time in their lives, and for heaven's sake...capture it so you'll have those memories to look back upon!

family photos in Great Falls, MT

All of my Bump to Baby sessions start with access to gorgeous maternity gowns that I carefully chose to flatter my clients' and their bodies, and of course, showcase how beautiful they are. Especially in those moments, (ahem, like when we are 7-8 months pregnant) when we don't necessarily feel beautiful!  My program also includes complimentary professional makeup, which I think of as an opportunity for my mamas-to-be to relax and have a little "me time" before baby arrives!

family photographer in Great Falls, MT

Jessalyn's maternity session really illustrates what I'm trying to achieve in each of my sessions:  candid, emotional, fun, beautiful, and artistic.  Photos, albums, art that will provide a daily reminder of moments in our lives that are foundational in telling our story.