Best Compliments a Photographer Could Receive | Great Falls, MT Family Photographer's not good when I can hardly remember my password to get into my blog!  I guess it's been a while.  But holy cow I have been busy, and it's been AWESOME!  I feel like I'm going to be catching my breath here, shortly, as my summer season winds down, which will hopefully leave me some time to blog all of these fun sessions I've had over the past few months.  Seriously, I have had the opportunity to hang out with THE best seniors and families, some that I've known and others that I've met for the first time...and LOVED.  But more on that later....

So what pulled me out of my blog "coma"?  Well, I have had a marathon of family sessions over the last four days.  I got to photograph three beautiful families, all of which included the cutest littles...all under the age of 6.  A 5-year-old, 4-year-old, 3-year-old, and a couple almost 2-year-olds...wowzas!  And right now you might be thinking "O.M.G.  Those poor parents...what were they thinking...?"  Because if you've ever had a child or been around a child in that age range, you probably know that an activity involving taking directions, sitting still, smiling on-cue, and any other typical "photo session" component might not go so well.  But then I got to hear the following from my clients:

"Thank you so much, it was amazing!"

"You made it so enjoyable.  Sometimes professional photos seem more like a chore, but you made it quite fun!"

"That was actually painless!"

"Oh my gosh...I'm so in love with the pictures!"

And hearing all of the above is why I love this "job".  And I only repost these comments because I think it's easy as a parent to say, "Ya know...getting our pictures taken is going to be a nightmare.  Let's wait until the kids are a little older."  Or, "Yeah right...(insert child's name here) is never going to sit still, and then we will have invested all of that money for nothing". 

I totally get it, because my own kids are 3 and 5-years-old.  They are not the best in front of the camera...the worst, actually.  Probably because I've traumatized them with my camera since they were newborns.  But I will forever treasure the photos I've captured of them...and they do to!  My son looks through his own scrapbook on a weekly basis, because he loves to see photos of him and us...and I love that!

But what I try to create at each session is a fun, stress-free, "no-agenda" experience.  Kids are having meltdowns?  No problem...let's let them play around for a bit and I'll get to sneak in some candid photos of them being,!  Because after all, how often do our kids sit and pose with a smile on their face?  At the end of your session, I want you to have some photos that will bring back memories of your little loved ones, and I want those personalities to shine through each image!

The other part...with my photography, you only purchase what you LOVE, and only make decisions until after you've seen your photos.  So you never have to stress about whether or not you'll end up with some "keepers".  And I think you will have plenty of "keepers" to choose from! 

I'm so happy I've had the chance to work with these gorgeous parents and those that are most precious to them:  their littles.  I'm looking forward to dedicating more blog space to each of these families and seniors SOON!  Questions?  Send me a message or give me a call!