Great Falls Family Photographer | October Challenge Shoot

Well, guys - the first word that comes to my mind when I think about this session is “magic”. And then I think about the words playful, adorable, whimsy, fairytale…. Seriously, though, everything about this session was perfect! I loved our location, the outfits (I mean - that little pixie hat we had Rowdy wear?! Gahhhh!"), the sky?! It all just worked so seamlessly together, and it gave me confidence that when I have full control over session elements (other than the sky - that was just luck!) - I really can create the look I am going for.

Monthly Challenges have been a fun way for me to get creative and have an excuse to push myself out of my comfort zone. For this challenge - I had to style my clients for $100 or less and create a cinematic-style video, AND photos. If you haven’t been following me on my social - first of all, what are you waiting for?! Come hang out with me! - I just announced my November Challenge! November is going to be a combination of product photography for the wild and fun Live Montanably clothing company with a little bit of modeling (gasp!). That’s right…yours truly is getting in front of the camera, directing my husband on angles, depth, and all things DSLR, and also getting behind the camera to take some shots of my family modeling these awesome beanies, hats, sweatshirts, vests…. To say this is outside my comfort zone is quite the understatement! But that’s what these challenges are about, so bring. it. on.

But for now, as October has come to a close - just enjoy these images of this beautiful mama and her handsome little guy. I hope I get to do more of these whimsical sessions that just make my heart sing!