Great Falls Branding Photographer | Small Business Photography

branding photographer

Business and marketing a business is SO intriguing to me. It’s like a puzzle: so many different pieces contribute to the success of a business, but you can’t just throw them all together and expect them to fit perfectly. Trial and error, sometimes luck, and patience seem to be a necessity, however!

Few of those successes had to do with my bachelor’s in PR/Marketing and minor in Business.

As I’ve navigated the start-up of my own small business in Great Falls, Montana, I have: made mistakes, spent money where I didn’t need to, cried and cursed, almost quit…. But I’ve also eventually had great success, a lot of #wins, and overall, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed being a business girl. Few of those successes had to do with my bachelor’s in PR/Marketing and minor in Business, and more with my desire to keep learning and keep trying. So what does all of this have to do with you???

small business marketing photography

We are fortunate to be experiencing a time when small-business opportunities are literally everywhere you look. Right now, I bet you can instantly name at least 10 friends, family, or acquaintances who are running their own business. And that’s amazing! How cool that you can run a business from the comfort of your home (or your car, backyard, the grocery story…really anywhere you can get internet on your phone), all while making an income?! So???

Almost everyone you know is doing it or thinking about doing it. Which means you gotta do something different. You gotta get serious about standing out.

The problem: almost everyone you know is doing it or thinking about doing it. Which means you gotta do something different. You gotta get serious about standing out.

Branding photography in Great Falls, MT

My love for small-business (and curiosity for marketing) has led me to offering a new type of photography to help those gals (and guys!) when they need something a little extra to add to their Facebook and Instagram feeds, or maybe some updated images to their business websites or blogs. Maybe a “wow!” image among the many selfies (disclaimer: I’m not a selfie hater, but it’s nice to mix it up every once and a while, right?!). Enter in: Branding Photography

My Branding Sessions are quick, to the point, cost-effective (I “get” that small-business budget!), and are designed with your goals in mind. Do you need some candid images of you doin’ your thing on your off-hours so your prospective customers get to see who YOU are? Do you need some “behind the scenes” images of you in your pajamas, showing off the benefits of working from home? What about some professional head shots or you showcasing the use of the products you’re selling? The possibilities are endless and I’m SUPER excited to get creative!

professional head shots in great falls, mt

The images shown above are all of miss Sydnie, who is just starting out with her nail and hair design business (P.S. you NEED to follow her! She’s amazing and super sweet to hang out with while your sitting down and getting pampered! Find her on Instagram @sydnie_stunning).

Stay tuned for more on Sydnie as we do a complete branding of her business, to include logo design, custom image edits to reflect her “light and bright” business style, and monthly mini sessions to provide plenty of images for her feeds!

small business photography in Great Falls, MT

And this lovely lady above? Well, not only is she my neighbor (which I found out the day of our shoot!), but she is an extraordinarily talented pianist! She’s on iTunes, you can stream her music…and it is GOOD, you guys! I had her play for me so I could get some candid images of her in her element, and I could hardly bring myself to have her stop!

Marketing photography in Great Falls, MT

Tiffany Hobson was looking for some professional images to use on her website, and I was so happy she called me to help out! As with most clients of mine, clothing was one of the first topics of discussion. After a few pointers (all surrounding her “ideal customer” and the look she wanted to seamlessly fit with her website “brand”), Tiffany chose perfect outfit combos - that also happened to coordinate beautifully with her gorgeous living room! I’m sure she is busy right now updating her website with her new images, but her music is ready to stream, so please check out what she has going on:

Branding in Great Falls, MT

So…what are you waiting for?!! Fill out my Contact Form and lets work together! All you gotta bring is your business goals, and I’ll bring the rest!

